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تشقق السماوات وتكور الشموس /ثالثة 3 ثانوي مدونة محدودة /كل الرياضيات تفاضل وتكامل وحساب مثلثات2ثانوي ترم أول وأحيانا ثانيالتجويد /من كتب التراث الروائع /فيزياء ثاني2 ثانوي.ت2. /كتاب الرحيق المختوم /مدونة تعليمية محدودة رائعة / /الكشكول الابيض/ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية ترم اول يليه ترم ثاني ومعه 3ث /الحاسب الآلي)2ث /مدونة الأميرة الصغيرة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ثء /مدونة السنن الكبري للنسائي والنهاية لابن كثير /نهاية العالم /بيت المعرفة العامة /رياضيات بحتة وتطبيقية2 ثانوي ترم ثاني /احياء ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /عبدالواحد2ث.ت1و... /مدونة سورة التوبة /مدونة الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق حسب سورة الطلاق7/5هـ /الثالث الثانوي القسم الأدبي والعلمي /المكتبة التعليمية 3 ثانوي /كشكول /نهاية البداية /مدونة كل روابط المنعطف التعليمي للمرحلة الثانوية /الديوان الشامل لأحكام الطلاق /الاستقامة اا. /المدونة التعليمية المساعدة /اللهم أبي وأمي ومن مات من أهلي /الطلاق المختلف عليه /الجغرافيا والجيولوجيا ثانية ثانويالهندسة بأفرعها / لغة انجليزية2ث.ت1. / مناهج غابت عن الأنظار. /ترم ثاني الثاني الثانوي علمي ورياضة وادبي /المنهج في الطلاق/عبد الواحد2ث- ت1. /حورية /المصحف ورد ج /روابط المواقع التعليمية ثانوي غام /منعطف التفوق التعليمي لكل مراحل الثانوي العام /لَا ت /قْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِفيزياء 2 ثاني ثانوي.ت1. /سنن النكاح والزواج /النخبة في /مقررات2ث,ترم أول عام2017-2018 /مدونة المدونات /فلسفة.منطق.علم نفس.اجتماع 2ث /ترم اول /الملخص المفيد ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /السيرة النبوية /اعجاز الخالق فيمن خلق /ترجمة المقالات /الحائرون الملتاعون هلموا /النُخْبَةُ في شِرعَةِ الطلاق. /أصول الفقه الاسلامي وضوابطه /الأم)منهج ثاني ثانوي علمي رياضة وعلوم /وصف الجنة والحور العين اللهم أدخلنا الجنة ومتاعها /روابط مناهج تعليمية ثاني ثانوي كل الأقسام /البداية والنهاية للحافظ بن /كثبر /روابط مواقع تعليمية بالمذكرات /دين الله الحق /مدونة الإختصارات /الفيزياء الثالث الثانوي روابط /علم المناعة /والحساسية /طرزان /مدونة المدونات /الأمراض الخطرة والوقاية منها /الخلاصة الحثيثة في الفيزياء /تفوق وانطلق للعلا /الترم الثاني ثاني ثانوي كل مواد 2ث /الاستقامة أول /تكوير الشمس /كيمياء2 ثاني ثانوي ت1. /مدونة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ث /مكتبة روابط ثاني /ثانوي.ت1./ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية /ميكانيكا واستاتيكا 2ث ترم اول /اللغة الفرنسية 2ثانوي /مدونة مصنفات الموسوعة الشاملة فهرسة /التاريخ 2ث /مراجعات ليلة الامتحان كل مقررات 2ث الترم الثاني /كتاب الزكاة /بستان العارفين /كتب 2 ثاني ثانوي ترم1و2 . /ترم اول وثاني الماني2ث



الأحد، 25 يونيو 2023

مشاهير من اسلموا

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Priests And Preachers Enter ISLAM?
Bismillah Rahman Raheem (In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The Gracious)
The media classifies Muslims as “terrorists,” “highjackers” and “kidnappers.”
So why would anyone even look at Islam? Why are so many priests and preachers going to Islam?

Read his search for “Purpose of Life” – before Islam

He learned the truth about Islam – & became a Muslim

What happened to this man?
Good question. . . .
Email request for information on “Christian Preachers Entering Islam” sent to me from Japanese newspaper staff writer:
I received an email from a Japanese newspaper requesting information about Americans coming to Islam. Here is a copy of the email:
Subj: Convert story
Date: 07/28/2000 02:35:30 Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Takashi Settai)
To: sheikyusuf@aol.com
Dear Mr. Yusuf Estes:
My name is Takashi Settai. I am a staff writer of Nikkei, a Japanese newspaper, based in New York. I am writing an article about Muslims in America now and I am looking for a Caucasian guy who recently converted from Christian to Muslim. I happened to find your home page on the Internet and became very interested in your personal story. If you are OK to answer my questions about your conversion and call or return an e-mail to me ASAP, I very much appreciate it.
Nikkei is a Japanese newspaper, considered the Wall Street Journal of Japan, that is published twice daily with a nationwide circulation of about 3 million. In addition, we have an international circulation in Japanese and a weekly edition in English. The number of Nikkei offices worldwide stands at 37 bureaus on five continents and employs over 4,000 persons.
Thank you for your help on this matter in advance.
Takashi Settai
212-261-6327 or 212-888-5741
From the Desk of: Chaplain Yusuf Estes
TO: Takashi Settai
Staff Writer for Nikkei (Japanese Newspaper)
New York, New York
RE: Your email request for more information on former Christians coming to Islam
[email copy below]
Peace be unto all those who follow right guidance.
Greetings Takashi:
Thank you for your kind letter and for your offer of publishing the story of my “converting” from Christianity to Islam.
Before I begin, I must mention that I am leaving on a flight from here (Washington, DC) to Atlanta in 30 minutes to speak at a special event there. You had requested information on how a Christian priest (a Catholic priest friend of ours named Peter Jacobs), a preacher (myself) and a reverend (my father came last) came to Islam. This email will serve as our permission to publish any information published on our website or in this email for your newspaper. You may feel assured that we are most happy to cooperate with you in any way possible.
I could perhaps begin by saying, that I have personally witnessed many “converts” coming into Islam in this country (and Mexico as well). But many people consider my own personal experience to be rather unique in that it was not simple one person changing their religion, but rather an entire household of very religious Christians of three different denominations [Catholic, “Born Again” and Protestant) all “converting” to Islam.
[The reason I choose to put the word “convert” in brackets is because the understanding as taught by the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is that all children are born in a state of “Islam” (surrender, submission and obedience to Almighty God) and it is their parents who raise them up as Jews, Christians, Fire Worshippers. So, Muslims consider it more like returning or “reverting” to Islam.]
But please do not get the wrong idea, although we entered into Islam within a close proximity in time we each individually came to the conclusion that Islam was our own personal choice and it was not an instant decision as a group coming over to Islam.
While we would all agree that there are always going to be a certain number of people who, for whatever reason, will change from one religion to another, we must also quickly agree that it is highly unusual to find a number of priests, preachers, reverends and holy men (and women) from various faith groups, simultaneously entering the same faith around the world.
My own personal story begins on the Texas/Mexican border in December of 1990. I was born a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and at that time I was working very actively toward preaching “Born Again” Christianity to anyone and everyone that would listen. I was definitely NOT LOOKING FOR ISLAM. In fact, religious leaders of Christianity and Judaism would have us believe, that Islam is a cult of some kind with the followers worshipping a black box in the desert and kissing the ground five times a day. Additionally, we have been programmed by the media to classify most Muslims as “terrorists,” “highjackers” and “kidnappers.” So why would anyone even look at Islam???
Good question . . .
All my close friends at that time were either preachers, ministers or very much active and involved in preaching a message of “Saving Grace by blood sacrifice from the Holy Trinity of Jesus.”
One preacher I knew used to carry a huge (12′ long) cross on his back and walk alongside the highway to attract people to “come to Jesus.”
Another preacher used to take me into Mexico and we would preach in the square or market to individuals about the “salvation of Christ.” We were even arrested in the night by the Mexican Federal Police and investigated (Mexico is predominantly Catholic and does not encourage other religions).
Ah alas, I feared that I would run out of time before completing this story for you. I must go immediately to the airport now….
Please feel free to write to me and to discuss this subject and other stories of priests and preachers coming to Islam…
Best Regards and May Allah Guide us all in all that is best, Ameen.
Yours Very Truly,
Yusuf Estes
Yusuf Estes.
National Muslim Chaplain.
Today Islam Project – USA.
latest news on IslamNewsRoom

Priest and Preachers

True story of how a priest and preachers enter Islam True Story

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Watch Sheikh Yusuf help 1000's enter islam around the world Video Gallery

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Hear Sheikh Yusuf help 1000's enter islam around the world Audio Gallery

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إرسال تعليق

ما هي مراحل الطلاق في العام الخامس الهجري

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